Emergency Department Case Management (EDCM)​


The Emergency Department Case Management (EDCM) program is the only fully integrated behavioral health intensive case management program in San Francisco. EDCM supports the psychosocial, medical and psychiatric needs of adults who frequently rely on the Medical Emergency Department and/or the Inpatient medical services at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. EDCM clients are generally unhoused, diagnosed with severe mental illness, substance using, medically fragile with complex trauma histories. The interdisciplinary team of social workers and medical providers bridges the gap between historically siloed medical and mental health fields to establish therapeutic relationships and support the appropriate utilization of limited publicly funded services in San Francisco.   

Eligibilty Criteria


•    Must be an adult living in San Francisco
•    Have 5 or more visits to the ZSFG Medical Emergency Room, and/or 3 or more medical inpatient hospitalizations at ZSFG in the past 12 months
•    Has intensive case management needs
•    Voluntarily consents to participate in services
•    Not currently receiving duplicative services

To make a referral, please contact: [email protected]

To inquire about the program, please contact our main office: (628) 206-5540