Stimulant Treatment Outpatient Program (STOP)


STOP is a dual diagnosis enhanced outpatient substance abuse treatment program (for alcohol, stimulants, and other drugs) integrated into the services at Citywide Clinic and CASC. Services include group and/or individual addiction counseling tailored for people with serious mental illness, and use evidence-based trauma-informed, motivational, and harm reduction approaches. Clinicians are trained in both addictions and mental health, and work in collaboration with other CWCM staff who provide case management, psychotherapy, psychiatric medication management, drug testing, and vocational rehabilitation.

In 1989, STOP was founded to treat cocaine and methamphetamine use disorders among adults with co-occurring mental health conditions. In 2011, STOP was integrated into Citywide where it is now one of many services available under one roof.

Our Teams

  • STOP at Citywide Clinic and CASC
  • Sobering Center Case Management

Eligibility Criteria

STOP at Citywide Clinic:

Adults receiving case management by Citywide, with substance use disorders, for whom outpatient treatment is indicated.

To refer eligible clients, please contact their Citywide case manager.


Justice system involved adults, with substance use disorders, for whom outpatient treatment is indicated.

To refer eligible clients, please contact their Citywide case manager or their probation officer.

Sobering Center Case Management (SCCM):

Adults who frequently use Alcohol Sobering Center services and Managed Alcohol Program services.

To refer eligible clients, please contact the Sobering Center charge nurse.