Created in 1991, the Citywide Forensics FSP program is the only intensive case management team in San Francisco that works specifically with justice-involved individuals diagnosed with several mental health disorders and co-occurring substance use disorders through a Forensic Assertive Community Treatment model. The program has developed expertise in “boundary-spanning” between the criminal justice and the mental health systems to help individuals achieve recovery goals. It cofounded and serves as the primary treatment provider for San Francisco’s Behavioral Health Court (BHC) and Misdemeanor BHC. Beyond connecting clients to the mental health system, Forensics FSP, in conjunction with San Francisco’s Collaborative Court system, strives to remove barriers to meaningful reintegration in the community.
Our Teams
Citywide Forensics Full Service Partnership (FSP)
Citywide Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) Caseload
Citywide No Violence Alliance (NoVA)
Citywide Pretrial Services
Our Partnerships