The CASC is a multi-services, one-stop center that provides triage/linkage for justice involved drop-in clients in addition to comprehensive case management to those currently on SF adult probation. Our staff have created strong relationships with criminal justice and community partners so that we can provide case management services regardless of where our clients are. We follow them in-custody and coordinate jail releases so that there are no gaps in mental health services when clients enter or exit incarceration.



91% of clients have multiple needs at intake


Mental Health Needs


Substance Use Needs


Unstably Housed


Income Needs


Case Management


Our Impact


 Disclaimer about Pnademic and how that impacted the operations of the clinic. All numbers featured below are for the 

We received 373 referrals from SF Adult Probation and screened each referral for appropriate level of case management services. Enrolled X number of new clients in our CM services / X number of CM clients served in reporting period.

...People experiencing homelessness are steadily drawn into the criminal legal system and exposed to higher rates of arrest and incarceration than people with stable housing.

Madeline Bailey, Erica Crew, and Madz Reeve

No Access to Justice: Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness and Jail


  • ​We succesfully helped two thirds of our clients to obtain, or retain transitional or permanent housing.
  • We stabilized income for 59% of clients through linkage to employment or public benefits.



“On average, individuals with mental illnesses receive sentences that are 12 percent longer than individuals convicted of the same crimes but without mental health diagnoses.

The Prevalence and Severity of Mental Illness Among California Prisoners, 2017

Stanford Justice Advocacy Project

  • Staff spent an average of 3.5 hours per client coordinating jail release.
  • How many clients compoleted Probation
  • Number of client swho graduated collaborative Courts
  • Class Graduates
  • This year so far our clients have succefully comleted an average of xx days in residential treatment programs to address substancve use and mental health needs. 


Our Client Spotlight



High Utilizer