Citywide Linkage Team (CLT)


The Citywide Linkage Team (CLT) has been serving clients since 2002. While it was initially designed to work with patients exiting the hospital, due to the increased need for immediate and intensive outreach for individuals struggling to stabilize at all levels of care, CLT has since expanded to include referrers from multiple systems of care. CLT bridges the service gap between hospitalization and ongoing outpatient care. In addition to Citywide's main clinic site, CLT's clinicians are stationed at 3 different DPH outpatient mental health clinics (South of Market, Mission Mental Health and Chinatown North Beach) and provide linguistically and culturally appropriate services to monolingual populations (Spanish and Cantonese) served at these sites.

Eligibility Criteria


To be eligible for CLT, prospective clients must be discharging from an inpatient psychiatric hospital or Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES), or be authorized by San Francisco Behavioral Health Services, Department of Public Health, and be:

  • Currently disconnected from care and likely to destabilize without immediate follow-up
  • A San Francisco resident or intending to stay in San Francisco
  • Willing to engage in care.

How to refer: Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals and Psychiatric Emergency Services may make direct referrals to the Citywide Linkage Team by emailing [email protected] . Referents from other sites may contact SF BHS at icm‐service‐[email protected]