The Citywide NoVA Team provides Mental Health Outpatient Services (assessment, linkage and therapy) to participants in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office (SFSO) No Violence Alliance Program (NoVA). All NoVA participants are reentering the community after a period of incarceration, which stemmed from a serious, violent incident or multiple arrests and a history of recidivism.
The Citywide NoVA team has developed a strong partnership with the SFSO over the last thirteen years and has helped the program expand to serving clients in San Francisco’s Behavioral Health Court. The Citywide NoVA team successfully collaborated with the SFSO on a response to the California Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grant, which resulted in the creation of San Francisco’s first Misdemeanor Behavioral Health Court in 2015.
Intakes: Yasi Shirazi – Referrals are accepted directly from NoVA case managers and Jail Reentry services.
Eligibility Criteria
Citywide No Violence Alliance (NoVA):
Participants must meet the SFSO’s legal eligibility criteria. Citywide NoVA therapy clients also meet Medi-Cal medical necessity criteria with an included mental health disorder diagnosis and significant functional impairments resulting from that diagnosis.